Volunteer for Wales Air Ambulance

Interested in volunteering for the Wales Air Ambulance?  


Our volunteers are an integral part of the Wales Air Ambulance; they provide additional knowledge, skills and ongoing help that supports the Charity, whether that is attending community fundraising events, helping in our shops, or collecting charity donation boxes.  

Why not become part of our volunteer community and make a lifesaving difference 


Quite simply, we could not operate our services and continue to save lives without the support of our wonderful Charity volunteers. 

Volunteering is completely flexible; you can commit to as much or as little time as you like. In return we’ll give you all the information you need to be successful in the role by providing training and support. You will be reimbursed for approved expenses and receive a travel allowance as well as discounts in our shops and cafe.  




"Our volunteers are the backbone and the heart of our Charity, they help us to achieve our goals and they are fundamental in raising the funds which enable us to save lives across Wales.

We are proud to work with a diverse team of volunteers who bring a range of skills and experience and who support us to carry out our vital work.

We hope that you will find your time with us to be enjoyable and rewarding, and that you will feel part of our committed team."



Congratulations! You’ve made a decision that could dramatically change your life – and potentially those of others.

Volunteering brings huge benefits to those who selflessly offer their time, from combating isolation and mental health issues to learning new skills.

But what happens at Wales Air Ambulance when you take the first steps to join our crew?

Firstly, after seeing which roles are available, you will find an application form here. Simply fill it in,  choosing which types of volunteering you’re interested in.

Hit the ‘Send’ button and sit back!

Our volunteer coordinator will contact the manager or coordinator in your area, to find the right fit for your choices.

Then your allocated manager will get in touch for a quick chat. This could be in person or over the phone, so you can learn more about the charity and how it works and decide whether you want to do something really special.

If you’re both happy to move forward, a volunteers’ pack will then be sent out to you. This is intended to provide all you need to know about your day-to-day volunteering.

It includes a volunteer handbook, our volunteer’s policy, details about your individual role and other useful bits.

You’ll be asked to fill in an agreement form and other small bits of admin... and that’s all the fiddly stuff over!

Once we’ve heard back from your referees you will be invited in for an induction with your allocated manager.

He or she will introduce you to the team and help you through any health and safety training.

Your safety is our priority, and we are determined to make your volunteering a safe and enjoyable experience.

Now you’re ready to roll! We’re sure you will have a rewarding, fulfilling and fun time with Wales Air Ambulance – while really making a difference to people’s lives.