Volunteer for Wales Air Ambulance

Interested in volunteering for the Wales Air Ambulance?  


Our volunteers are an integral part of the Wales Air Ambulance; they provide additional knowledge, skills and ongoing help that supports the Charity, whether that is attending community fundraising events, helping in our shops, or collecting charity donation boxes.  

Why not become part of our volunteer community and make a lifesaving difference 


Quite simply, we could not operate our services and continue to save lives without the support of our wonderful Charity volunteers. 

Volunteering is completely flexible; you can commit to as much or as little time as you like. In return we’ll give you all the information you need to be successful in the role by providing training and support. You will be reimbursed for approved expenses and receive a travel allowance as well as discounts in our shops and cafe.  




"Our volunteers are the backbone and the heart of our Charity, they help us to achieve our goals and they are fundamental in raising the funds which enable us to save lives across Wales.

We are proud to work with a diverse team of volunteers who bring a range of skills and experience and who support us to carry out our vital work.

We hope that you will find your time with us to be enjoyable and rewarding, and that you will feel part of our committed team."



As we head towards summer it feels as if we’ve been locked away indoors forever. Spring is a fantastic time to dust off old ideas, create new plans and reinvent our lifestyles.

If volunteering hasn’t been on your radar, we’ve put together a few suggestions for why now might be the perfect time for you to start your volunteering journey.


  1. It’s a great way to meet new people. Whether it’s at one of our newly-opened shops or when our events kickstart into action, it’s a great way to extend your friends network
  2. It’s a positive way to give back. If you or someone you know has been helped by the air ambulance giving some time to volunteer is an excellent way to pay back
  3. Volunteering means you can spend quality time away from work or your busy lifestyle
  4. You could gain valuable new skills and experience
  5. Anyone who has spare time can volunteer in some form – we welcome as varied and diverse a team as possible
  6. Your volunteering can be as flexible as you wish. Even if you can’t commit to a weekly or fortnightly schedule we can find some ad hoc volunteering that should suit you.
  7. Making a difference to the lives of others can enhance your own life
  8. Volunteering can help with your sense of mental wellbeing
  9. It can also enhance your CV – particularly when you’re starting out, with little experience to help you stand out from other candidates
  10. From collecting charity buckets to attending events or becoming a trustee – we have a range of roles to suit most would-be volunteers
  11. We’re not government-funded, so every contribution you can give through your volunteering will make a dramatic difference to people’s lives.


If the above suggestions have whetted your appetite, why not head to our volunteering section to find out more, or email our volunteer coordinator Sandra Hembery on [email protected]