A Flint woman is climbing Snowdon at sunrise in memory of her close friend and to raise lifesaving donations to fund emergency helicopter missions across Wales.

Adele Jones is taking part in Breese Adventure’s Snowdon Sunrise event, a moonlight trek up Wales’ tallest peak in aid of Wales Air Ambulance.

The 50-year-old decided to take on the challenge, set up by the Betws-y-Coed outdoor specialists, after losing a close friend this year who hoped to take part in the trekking event.

Adele said: “I decided to do it in memory of a friend who lost their battle with cancer this year, and as seeing Snowdon Sunrise was on his bucket list to do but unfortunately was too ill to do it, I am doing it for him and paying my respects.

“My two friends, Elsa and Rebecca, have kindly agreed to join me.”

Adele regularly raises funds for a variety of charities, taking on gruelling and nail-biting challenges to complete her bucket list and generate donations.

“I have been a little bit of an adrenaline junkie since hitting 40, and in the last 10 years I have been ticking off my to do list.

“I have raised money for various charities, completing the London Marathon, the Great North Run, Zip Wiring over Snowdon, a bungee jump and even training for 8 weeks for a white collar boxing match for charity – my list is endless!

“Doing the Snowdon Sunrise challenge is another thing on my list, and myself and my friends are really excited to do it,” Adele added.

The walk is raising donations for Wales Air Ambulance, to help keep the charity’s four helicopters flying across Wales, providing emergency air cover for those facing life-threatening illness or injury.

Wales Air Ambulance needs to raise £6.5 million every year to fund its operations, with each of the charity’s missions costing around £1,500, funded entirely by charitable donations.

The Snowdon Sunrise challenge, on Saturday August 12, will be the second time Adele has raised donations for the Welsh helicopter charity.

Adele said: “I have raised funds for Wales Air Ambulance before, doing the Great North Run in aid of WAA.

“It is a charity that solely depends on public support it is a vital emergency service that we could not do without.

“It depends on people like us to keep raising funds to save lives.”