Published: 18 January 2024

A popular ‘Mercedes On The Prom’ fundraising event has raised £7,700 for the Wales Air Ambulance after fundraising for five years.

Members of the Wales North and Borders Mercedes-Benz Owners club are delighted that the fundraiser has continued to bring in funds for the lifesaving charity.

Chris Davies, Joint Regional Officer for Wales - North and Borders, is delighted with the amount the event has raised for the Charity during the five fundraising events. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, a two year fundraising break took place.

He said: “I feel proud the club have been able to raise that amount as I know every little bit counts and it helps to keep the air ambulances in the air and cars on the road. As the Wales - North and Borders Mercedes-Benz Owners Club region we will continue to raise donations in 2024.”

The annual event saw over 115 members cars lined up on the promenade, outside St George’s Hotel in Llandudno.

This year’s event raised over £1,300 and saw a variety of models throughout the day, including a 1938 170SBC through to the latest models of Mercedes.

Other Mercedes included a number of different SL model types from the 70's style through to the latest models.

As well as, W124 (E Class) models from the 80's/90's to more recent models and a 190 Ponton from the late 50's.

Debra Sima, Wales Air Ambulance’s Community Fundraiser said: “Thank you to every one who took part. Mercedes On The Prom is always a successful event and the owners club members never fail to bring out a variety of different models. This year saw 115 vehicles take part and once again they raised a fantastic amount for our charity. 

“The Wales Air Ambulance lifesaving charity needs to raise £11.2 million each year to keep our lifesaving helicopters in the air and our rapid response vehicles on the road, those of you who took part or supported the event are helping us to continue to save lives throughout Wales. Thank you!” 

Wales Air Ambulance is consultant-led, taking hospital-standard treatments to the patient and, if required, transferring them directly to the most appropriate hospital for their illness or injury. For the patient, this can mean hours saved when compared to standard care and is proven to significantly improve the chances of survival and early recovery.

This advanced critical care includes the ability to administer anaesthesia, deliver blood transfusions and conduct minor operations, all at the scene of an incident.