Published: 21 December 2023

If this Christmas you want to give a gift that will make a difference to someone’s life then why not make Jack’s Christmas wish come true?

Two-year-old Jack Howells’ life was saved by the medics of the Wales Air Ambulance after he suffered a catastrophic head injury 10 months ago.

With the support of the Howells family, last month the Charity launched its Christmas Fundraising Appeal, Jack’s Christmas Wish. Jack’s wish is for people to donate to the all-Wales charity.

In February little Jack’s parents, Jess, 29 and Jamie, 36, worst nightmare came true when he toppled over and hit his head on the floor.

At first Jack’s parents put his fall down to being a typical toddler accident and thought he would feel better after a few kisses and cuddles. Jess’ intuition told her that something was wrong, and soon after, Jack became disorientated and tired, so they immediately decided to take him to A&E to get checked over.

Unfortunately, while on route, Jack took a dramatic turn for the worse and he started vomiting, so they pulled over and immediately dialled 999. His condition deteriorated rapidly, and Jack continued being sick and became pale, floppy, and unresponsive.

Llanelli First Responders and paramedics were called, and due to the severity of Jack’s condition, called for the support of Wales Air Ambulance. The adverse weather that day meant the critical care teams were operating out of the Charity’s fleet of rapid response vehicles, instead of the helicopters. 

On arrival, Dr Mike, and Critical Care Practitioner Rhyan, were worried that Jack had a bleed on the brain. To protect his brain and to give him the best possible chance of survival, the crew gave Jack a general anaesthetic, medication to help minimise the bleed and placed him on a ventilator to control his breathing.

Jack had suffered a large bleed on the brain and had fractured his skull and required emergency neurosurgery. Since his fall Jack has made an amazing recovery and met all his milestones.

Jack’s grateful mum, Jess added: “Many people don’t realise that the Wales Air Ambulance is a Charity, and although we’ve been supporters for many years, we never imagined that one day, we would need the service and would save our little boy’s life.

“Wales Air Ambulance has given us the greatest gift of all this Christmas. They have given us Jack and have given him a future.

“Whilst we will be spending the festive season together as a family, creating memories which may have not been possible without the Charity, we’ll also be thinking of those who give up their Christmas to help others.”

The Wales Air Ambulance Charity relies on public donations to raise the £11.2 million required every year to keep the helicopters in the air and rapid response vehicles on the road.

The service is delivered via a unique Third Sector and Public Sector partnership.  The Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS) supplies highly skilled NHS consultants and critical care practitioners who work on board the Charity’s vehicles. 

Jess continued: “From now on, every Christmas Eve, when Jack is looking up at the sky for Santa and his reindeers, he’ll be looking for the Wales Air Ambulance helicopter too, knowing they helped save his life.

“Many children will ask Santa for toys, but it is Jack’s Christmas wish that the Charity can continue saving lives and helping people.

“Please help to make his Christmas wish come true and donate to this lifesaving service. You never know when you or your loved ones might need them.”

If you like to make Jack’s Christmas wish come true, you can donate by visiting