An award-winning amateur male voice choir from North Wales have sung in aid of Wales Air Ambulance, helping to fund the charity’s lifesaving missions across Wales.

The Froncysyllte Male Voice Choir sang as part of a fundraising concert in May, along with guests Cantorion Rhos and Camilla Roberts, to raise donations for WAA.

The North Wales night of singing raised £805 for the charity, which will help the helicopter charity fund its missions across the country, flying the A&E department to the roadside.

The Froncysyllte Male Voice Choir presented their donations to the Wales Air Ambulance crew at their airbase in Welshpool, during the charity’s airbase open day.

Helen Thomas, Wales Air Ambulance North Powys Community Support Coordinator, said: “As a charity we rely on kind support to keep our four helicopters flying across Wales.

“The Froncysyllte Male Voice Choir has been a part of several fundraisers for Wales Air Ambulance, helping to raise the donations needed to fund our missions.

“We would like to say a huge thank you for their outstanding support.”