Every penny you raise will allow us to continue saving lives within Wales. There are different ways you can send us your donations, once we receive your donations more and more lives are saved.


JustGiving is a brilliant little tool that makes donating or sponsoring super simple. All donations sent through a Wales Air Ambulance page come directly to us, so there’s no need to chase up donation money. Plus any money that comes through after your event is over will come straight through as well.

Facebook Fundraisers

Facebook is simple and easy and sets any donations straight to us, you don't need to worry about a thing.

Call us

Give us a ring on 0300 0152 999  and let our lovely representative guide you through the process. Remember to let them know how you’ve raised your total!

Post it

We love receiving post and your story. To send in your money you'll need to post the following:

  • any completed sponsor forms, if you used them.
  • either the banking form, or cheque if you choose to donate by post. (cheques made payable to Wales Air Ambulance).
Here’s our address:
Wales Air Ambulance
Ty Elusen 
Llanelli Gate 
SA14 8IQ